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dlbassman politiku journal 2024

dogs and cats can play together - people can learn how to co.exist dogs and cats play together ----------------------- january i figured out why i can.t find things - i forget what i.m looking for why i can.t find things ----- zen without the zing mindfulness without true aim slippery the slope freedom does not mean freedom to deny freedom to those who differ ----- a contentious dam overarching a village was dynamited the village flooded who was to blame - the builder or the terrorist ------------------------- february intuitively obvious - masses are swayed by massive untruths --------- lying on my bed a pool of ectoplasm trying to take form put your hand just so on the wandering of mind and the pulse of life if you look ahead just one move in this chess game thats enough to win ---------- (to whom we surrender ) islam your name means surrender - your fie'ry core is jihad - wage war to the one inside surrender - who gives to us the light of wisdom war on ignorance love wisdom and become great we are all muslim there needs be a truce to end a mounting bloodshed so unnatural ---------- how can they exist amoeba.s and damselflies with no one to see  dragonfly ----------------------- march on the battlefield on the front line of the fight the old folks face death odd police training too many killed without cause - shoot first ask later ---------- a fatal disease - intolerant ignorance infects our nation a homicidal candidate threatens bloodbath come this november both have just one cure cleaning house regularly at the polling booth ----------------------- april does g-d move in waves - or particles - or is she everywhere at once ----- what numbers the most - useless thoughts coursing the mind or stars in the sky who can stop thinking - its not possible to do noam sez no-one *1 ---------- to meditate or swallow an elephant take one bite at a time --------------- may  mother earth youngster among stars octogenarian earth fights for survival ----- neither fire nor ice but poisonous smokestacks ring the death knell bells malthusian law will not be overcome by our technology --------------- june across the border to the nations of the south build bridges not walls ----- bump stocks now legal - the supreme court paves the way to insurrection ----- don.t throw away the price they paid on d-day ----- (interpretation from maurice laurry, vagabonds of the sea) pity those unmoved by nature - or unruly in history.s school ----- reflections on aging (2017 - 2024 ) (press browser backarrow to return here): aging ----- the war in gaza (press browser backarrow to return here): gaza --------------- july the supremes forgot the prez can be guilty of various high crimes this is the basis of impeachment to remove sitting presidents does their ruling mean biden can imprison trump for seditious acts ----- 20 percent duped 30 percent are far right trump is danger close showing off his gun waving his weapon around the fool shot himself ----- (bidens decision) biden don.t worry what g-almighty might say he / she is your fan --------------- august shady bench i asked to share - she blew me a kiss i felt the impact the improbable ..... the universe winked at me we shared a sweet joke --------------- september alexander won his last campaign far away from his native land wounded elephants cost king porus the battle - crushed his own army lesser kings than they have beasts they cannot control driven to frenzy ----- (never trust a dog that ain.t your own) jesus once said give unto caeser - tho you.d best be somewhat keerful i trust the sages who illuminate the way and reveal the light ----- ( a paraphrase / quotation from alexander von humboldt (1769 - 1859) naturalist and explorer): by one breath nature is animated - one life pouring into all --------------- october ten haiku songs - composed by aaron blumenfeld (press browser backarrow to return here) play haiku songs 10 haiku songs ----- shakespeare learns to read (press browser backarrow to return here) omaha dog learns to read omaha dog learns  to read ------ cryptocurrency - the migration of wealth (press browser backarrow to return here) crypto ----- (what is fascism) *2 in support of crazed dictatorships - sedition is far from benign put a dictator in office and it will be the last time you vote ----- a new constitution - (it may be said of scriptures and constitutions - extract the wisdom) ageless and lovely is the core of our conscience preserved in the law "we the people" sez our constitution - noble words empower us "establish justice promote peace - welfare - freedom defend the nation" *3 let no sitting judge or any law of the land muddy its waters --------------- november a vote not about migrants - tax - or far off war but our rights to vote who in the hell knows how trump was elected prez cold snap in denver ----- trumpists celebrate ha ha hmua-ha ha hear them sing and dance ha mua-ha ha after all he said and did (they say) - we showed 'em ----- advice to congress - patriots unite before trump shreds your power your oath of office requires defense of our land - be untouchable ----- dystopian dreams - i think i hear boots trampling american fields ----- how it seems to me - building blocks of star-filled skies are bound energy on a field of green whirling balls of mass collide as the cue-ball strikes many possibles play out in numberless forms spirit is reborn --------------- december notorious press false narratives echoing over the hillsides when the public gets the invoice from the new prez gonna be a shock ----- (survival of the least fit) *4 a free nation hangs by the thinnest thread - ask not for whom the bell tolls trumps a fine fellow - wars on the impoverished to make them more so ----- a tax spent wisely for the good of the nation buys a gift for all drill oh tarriers drill for inner strength - courage - and humility (press browser backarrow to return here) drill ye tarriers song (youtube) - jon bartlett & rika ruebsaat) -------------------- notes *1 a tip-o-the-hat to noam chomsky, linguist *2 Paxton argues that "fascism redrew the frontiers between private and public, sharply diminishing what had once been untouchably private. It changed the practice of citizenship from the enjoyment of constitutional rights and duties to participation in mass ceremonies of affirmation and conformity. It reconfigured relations between the individual and the collectivity, so that an individual had no rights outside community interest. It expanded the powers of the executive party and state in a bid for total control. Finally, it unleashed aggressive emotions hitherto known in Europe only during war or social revolution." robert o. paxton, historian *3 (extracted from the u.s. constitution uploaded on this site 2022) *4 "the case-book of sherlock holmes", (the adventure of the creeping man), by sir arthur conan doyle,

(holmes)... sat musing for a little with the phial in his hand, looking at the clear liquid within. "When I have written to this man and told him that I hold him criminally responsible for the poisons which he circulates, we will have no more trouble. But it may recur. Others may find a better way. There is danger there--a very real danger to humanity. Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit. What sort of cesspool may not our poor world become?"