dlbassman politiku journal 2021

( even mighty tree.s ... may/june 2021 )
honor and vision
imbue the new president
he walks a minefield
(attack on the capitol)
raging idiots
whip each other to a froth
of mindless hatred
the hypnotic spell
of their demogogues lures them
to insanity
from horror state swagger still
in the capitols
for them - no free pass
conspiracy sedition
and riot brand them
as we used to say
back in the day - won't you please
be my valentine

(state of the union)
lucky break - traded
a lump-of-coal president
for a diamond
saving mother earth
let us all pull together
it's a heavy lift
may - june 2021
even mighty tree.s
rooted in the ground voyage
thru the winds of change
im in the wrong house
i dont know how i got here
the lawns a wasteland
the chairs are empty
the guilded hall is darkened
there a movie plays
twins it sometimes seems
share my lifeblood and my breath
one's me -- who is thee
the smug among us
think we're unfinished products
were dodo birds done?
a border dispute
make one state or two - who cares
stop hate - raise the gates
more time do i spend
figuring out what to do
than i do doing
meditation is
a desperate prayer for
peace-love-calm - and bliss
lillies of the field
toil not neither do they spin
yet the lord provides *1
july - aug
letter to friends and kin
visualize the states!
(press browser backarrow to return here)
variegated states
tapestries of folks therein
weave their subtle songs
a remarkably helpful
strung and sprung cane

(press browser backarrow to return here)
cross over that hill
from where the mists are rising
streams to verdure flow.
a furnace ignites
only if the pilot light
burns faithfully bright
a thief was given
knowledge - sat he and pondered
for a thousand years
so goes a legend
of the hindu's - he became
valmyki the sage
sit you some minutes
maybe you will learn secrets
of the universe
moses on sinai
asked the people to accept
the ten commandments
voting is a stream
that runs thru democracy
and keeps it holy
take away their vote -
he or maybe she becomes
just a slave of state
who are the teachers
of naysayers - who mentors
the viewpoint of nay
you think you're ok
but you're not - your mind's tangled
in meaningless thought
virus do not have
homicidal mania
(such as people get)
both spread notably
where ever ripe conditions
lend them space to be
this thanksgiving day
remember too brave lincoln
who kept the land free
it.s not helpful to
clarify and clarify
unless you make ghee
adams rib was found
missing - to correct an err
the lord borrowed it
self-knowledge is real
implied - described - talked about
in all the scriptures
------------------------- notes
*1 proverbs