dlbassman politiku journal 2017

(back in caveman days ... nov 2017)
------- january
the presidency of obama has come to
a close. he has brought reason and
steadiness to the office, and shown
great courage.
all humans equal
truer words from any sage
came from pen or breath
it must be preserved
so said jackson to calhoun
this young free nation
a house divided
cannot stand so said lincoln
many years ago
a nations promise
to lift the oppressed masses
cannot be broken
hard hard times ahead
maybe the end is not far
when hate rolls downward
breakdowns and breakthroughs
are about 50-50
its an even game
things would be ok
if i wasnt failing math
and trump wasnt trump
a disgraced faction
through lies and treacherous means
has born down reason
no space mr trump
for selfless public service
in your government?
------- february
mr trump truly said
well oiled machine running fine
- to domination?
he must be impeached
before the world sets afire
there are ample grounds
our knowledge is small
even of our workday craft
lets have open minds
the old horse aint dead
democracy is vibrant
the stroke of a pen
turns immigrants to bulwarks
that do not need walls
billions for the brass
some think our military
is for sale - is it???
------- spring 2017
nice country for sale
blue skies, amber waves of grain
- ( his biggest deal, yet?)
awaiting his time
solomons seal was broken
out flowed the genie
mr trump is right
we won't need the EPA
after the nukes fall
is life mystical
does a bear live in the woods
can skinny dogs bark
i don't think i can
i said to the vegan gal
- her heart so sincere
------- july
my mind went on strike
my math teacher said "1 more"
it was 2 many
a friend asked are there
celestial beings? yes!
i met one sunday
exotic female
at the airport last sunday
eyes celestial
------- august
duty bound all day
greeting sabbath every breath
i am a wind chime
learning can't occur
without asking a question
and answering it
planet caretakers
gardeners and husbandman
in the days of peace
to appreciate,
face the unknown, and survive
- human qualities
supremist nazi's
bring no honor to hero's
of the rebellion
function within a function
the chain rule of life
'twas diaz who said
to find a four-leaf clover
search for the pattern
the appointed hour
darkest hour before the dawn
illuminate hour
------- september
tigers stripes don't change
only war can save his place
will he will bring it on?
potholes in the road
need to be filled not blasted
don't hate the haters
my teacher, my friend -
who can see value in me
i can't see myself
peace is no longer
philosophy to live by
its nescessity
*1 inner awareness
is the well of salvation
water for the parched
when discord rages
give space to humble silence
bend knee not conscience
------- october
las vegas lone gunman massacre:
"we have no idea what his belief system was.
i can't get into the mind of a psychopath"
clark county sheriff joseph lomabardo
his beliefs? - no idea
we cant get into the mind
of a psychopath
(milton wrote:
...though fallen on evil days,
On evil days though fallen, and evil tongues,
In darkness, and with dangers compassed round,
And solitude.)
how dark are the days
long are the hours and empty
without your presence
in mar-a-lago
trump dreams beneath bright towers
of medieval spain
the national shame
of lunatic governments
falls on the people
1st amendment - no
2nd amendment - damn straight
constitution - no
lost in the dark age
far away we veer from truth
- peace and love within
dear president trump
won't you come to your senses
you are u.s. prez
------- november
back in caveman days
a man whispered to his wife
while the children slept
whispered in her ear
his bellow modulated
the kiss came to be
worldliness disease
has become chronic in man
- sri ramakrishna
you came from nowhere
i didn't have sense enough
to ask for your help
brother don't ask me
how i feel - what can i say
when i am speechless
lady godiva
naked in heart and shining
went riding one day
minions of faces
within the floral patterns
of my small fringed rug
clay allison too,
once rode wearing just pistols
the grim gunslinger

------- december
we are all perverse
when we fail to respect life
and see just the skin
------- note
*1 respectfully in deference to isaiah