dlbassman politiku journal 2020
a nation without
conscience is like a mad dog
foaming - without friends
abuse of power
president invokes the claim
he can do no wrong
Speech, Mr. Mnuchin!
show the world what fools control
the global pursestrings *1
our founders feared kings
and required a solemn oath
from our branches three
(state of the union)
pelosi stands firm
golden warrior faces down
the gathering storm

centering myself
it is what it is
nowhere else to go
history unlearned
is history forgotten
the cost will be high
an old wood chipper
sits in my yard - twenty pulls
it takes to start it
a grog of sea mist
swirls in my mind - twenty breaths
it takes to clear it
like grains of reaped grass
armies, farmlands and packed slums
were felled by the plague *2
the heaviest tax
is on the hungry and poor
who have no shelter
the virus kills some
hydroxychloroquine kills
when virus does not
fact based leadership
world-wide cooperation
- never considered
the least you can do
when you say ah chu - cover
your coughs and sneezes

as we grow older
listen as the clock ticks down
to eternity
hear the trolling bells
clashing clanging mouths from hell
misery foretell *3
blurring the meaning
of freedom - the president
cheers lockdown protests
(black lives matter)
blue guns unholstered
took charleena's life then slayed
her character too

charleena lyles
another man gone
held in helpless custody
george floyd's life drained out

george floyd
with an officers
badge and gun must be given
judicial restraint

andrea churna
tumbling past my house
throngs sing with eerie cadence
- heart of seattle
unready nation
a plague has come to our door
too long we waited
scorned by our regime
are those whose patient study
benefits mankind
an effective mask
multitudenous problems
solves - why not try it
a mistake our prez
will never make - is err on
the side of caution
myth replaces truth
in a future world - slumber
falls on the people
four hundred years old
the hoary green shark lays low
deep in arctic seas
betrayed by their smirks
pervayors of destruction
plot their sedition
this we should all know
under a dictators whip
there is no freedom
decades of damage
our president does - perhaps
he'll damage an age
raging forest fires
a glimpse of apocalypse
climate change cometh
if you have trouble
sleeping at night - take the hint
we need peace of mind
hand gripped over hand
swinging on vines thru jungle
tarzan comes to jane
sometimes bananna's
look pretty bad but inside
the fruit is perfect
we are blessed to choose
whether we make of our earth
a heaven or hell
look before you leap
don't cut the branch you sit on
ponder well your vote
president defunct -
superspreader of lies with
no life of their own
he was somebody
who scraped the barrels bottom
for accomplices
lawless and without
honor - can you imagine
the world gone awry
arrayed on the breaks
of armageddon groaning
dinosaurs expired
when the hoaxster's gone
a looted ship and thinned crew
may be all thats left
pharoah dreamed a dream
and joseph understood it
- foresee and prepare
------------------------> notes
*1 treasury secretary launches
attack on bright, youthful,
climate activist greta thunberg
on jan 23, while at the world
economic forum - davos switzerland
*2 in 1918 a flu plague
which originated in
a military camp in america
struck down many millions
of people world-wide.
it was erroneously called
the spanish flu
*3 my apologies to mr poe