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dlbassman politiku journals 2018

rustic garden (within your garden ... may 2018) --------------- january 2018 a ruler unfit should be replaced so farewell to my rambling mind politics failed us capitalism failed us democracy too? --------------- february confusion soon settles over me again like a cloud of forgetfulness even supercomputers have very short memories that must be refreshed at the speed of light when hate goes clarity flows ---- tried meditation it didn't work - tried some math experienced bliss sleep on your problems at night the fairies will come to help you solve them --------------- march can anything good come from weapons with bump-stocks or benighted kings? --------------- april what is the biggest environment disaster - a failed government ----------- i should not tell you unqualified opinions or views not asked for i spend lots of time absorbing news fake and real am i fake and real? ----------- the self is what is for sure a natural high and perhaps - much more lying at the heart of human life and nature is a mystery ---- ( a composite paraphrase from the declaration of independance and a. lincoln) if the facts are known and the people not misled the country is safe --------------- may dear president trump kneeling too respects the flag and what it stands for ----- within your garden dwells a flower you can't see you are that flower --------------- june if there are rulers above the law - then is not law an illusion to flee oppression is no fault - to take a child is clearly a crime --------------- july the fires of hatred cannot be quenched - we must have a bigger vision ----- reality national hero reality winner jailed for telling the truth --------------- september poor benny bunny almost road kill - we nursed him life is tenuous benny bunny died even the cat fell silent and would have no treats --------------- october we know from times past the short road to destruction beckons the tyrant to see inner light is no small thing - be grateful thank your lucky stars a psalm of david the psalm of psalms - my heart sez your face lord i seek --------------- november republicans and democrats on this agree the stench of garbage --------------- december make of old salem fulfillment of ancient dreams worlds city of peace ----- to gain the whole world what does it profit a man to forfeit his soul ( mark 8/36 ) -------- note revised 122718 i have removed some politiku's due to their being too obscure or which fall into the "unqualified opinion" or "views not asked for" category - my apologies i noticed the pages were getting suspiciously long "within your garden" was included from may