dlbassman politiku journal 2019
january 2019
my friend passed away
i almost gave him a call
to tell him the news
a swiss lullaby
sweet soft and melancholy
has enchanted me
christchurch kristallnacht
gorgans heads arise again
slay them with mirrors
how much will you give
to live in a free country
with the just and brave
with what did g-d build
there was only his essence
to create the world
the first u.s. prez
american born and raised
martin van buren
i did not realize
how close how close was my goal
the thinnest of veils
with malice and a vengeance
defines a racist
lincoln freed the slaves
now sea-worthy ship of state
sail on your true course *1
a misdemeanor
is all it takes to impeach
a false president
found i did a branch
crooked and gnarled and springy
twas a lovely cane
hear my cry ye proud
with the jawbone of an ass
foe's i slew - samson
many of us seek
illusions, and truth we seek
in the wrong places
my family votes
for trump (sez a friend) - sez i
at least they voted
sea levels rising
galvestons denuded coast
welcomed the great storm *2

------------------- notes
*1 "lincoln freed the slaves" is
a phrase that struck me with
force, listening to this song
performed by the laura love
duo - ms love and terry hunt:
saskatchewan (transfers to external site)
*2 the worst natural catastrophe
in u.s. history was the
galveston hurricane of 1900.
estimated casualties were
8000 killed, about the same
as the battle of gettysburg.
a seawall was built, but even
that massive wall will not
protect it from the rising sea's