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dlbassman politiku journal

reflections on aging ( 2017 - 2024 ) --------------- 2017 sometimes life seems like untangling a ball of yarn the cat has played with ----- to appreciate, face the unknown, and survive - human qualities ----- (isaiah - an interpretation ) inner awareness is the well of salvation water for the parched ----- when discord rages give space to humble silence bend knee not conscience ----- (milton - an interpretation) how dark are the days long are the hours and empty without your presence ----- don.t draw the curtain the moon and stars on parade pass by my window --------------- 2018 to gain the whole world what does it profit a man to forfeit his soul ( mark 8/36 ) ----- a psalm of david the psalm of psalms - my heart sez your face lord i seek --------------- 2019 my friend passed away i almost gave him a call to tell him the news ----- found i did a branch crooked and gnarled and springy twas a lovely cane sprung cane --------------- 2020 pelosi stands firm golden warrior faces down the gathering storm speaker of the house - nancy pelosi ----- as we grow older listen as the clock ticks down to eternity --------------- 2021 even mighty tree's rooted in the ground voyage thru the winds of change acorns blowing in the wind ----- within your garden dwells a flower you can't see you are that flower garden scene --------------- 2022 when the fate train came the gamblers cards fell to dust on the final turn ----- ageless valentine i.ll be yours and you.ll be mine till the end of time ----- get out of your bed ole man tucker - house afire and you ain.t dreamin ----- (a respectful question for sigmund freud) do your dreams fulfill your wishes...or when you wake do you dreams fulfill ----- even old persons can be a child in clover born again each day ----- (genesis, an interpretation) the lord commanded not merely to multiply but to be fruitful ----- we live in heaven we gaze inward and outward to eternity --------------- 2023 traffic past my door sounding like the oceans waves lapping on the shore ----- ( from the psalm of moses) numbered be our days so that we may cultivate a heart of wisdom ----- (from machiavelli) great gifts the lord gives - much ingratitude we show our benefactor ---------- haiku northwest gathering galaxies sparkled snuggled under my blanket on cold des moines nights ----- the indian trail along the wooded river bank - stories of my mom trail ----- i asked ma nature if you please another year my life give to me sir she sez to me i have heard this song before take enough no more -------------- 2024 i figured out why i can.t find things - i forget what i.m looking for why i can.t find things on the battlefield on the front line of the fight the old folks face death ----- people who were kind helped me - taught me - and loved me are they i repay ----- radical changes may need be - but only when better ways are known ----- youngster among stars octogenarian earth fights for survival mother earth ----- i had a brief job but i was let go - boss sez i did not fit in i thought i fit well like a missing puzzle piece to the boss's plan grounds vehicle ----- (advice of sages, an interpretation) always there - lifes gift is ready to be unwrapped and put to good use

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